
May The Door Hit You In The Ass On The Way Out

Several retiring members of Congress close up shop early and close off accessibility.The website for Republican Sen. Wayne Allard of Colorado tells constituents he's no longer taking their comments. Republican Sens. Larry Craig of Idaho and John Warner of Virginia feature similar messages on their Web pages.Sen. Pete Domenici has gone even further. The Internet link to send an e-mail to the New Mexico Republican no longer exists. And a telephone call isn't much of an option.

Good riddance but you still have constituents who need assistance from you but are unable to contact you. You were assholes while in office and when you're gone you'll still be assholes!


  1. The local Roswell teevee station had a story a week or so ago about Pete closing his den of thieves. Tears were being shared by all of his long time employees. Tears because they were fired 2 months early.
    No body in New Mexico will miss him.

  2. That should be picked up and trumpeted by Democrats showing that the Republicans corrupted lied and now they are hiding, what does that tell you? them scum really pis me off and the worms will get away with it too!

  3. Guys this type of behavior illustrates just how bad they were in office too. So many more need to go to and that sure as hell includes Democrats as well.

  4. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? While I'm sure there are plenty of things best left for the new guys, there are just as surely things they could handle on their way out. Granted, they were voted out of office, but even assuming they're carrying a grudge, somewhere between 30 and 49 percent of their constituents voted for them. You'd think they'd at least care about them.

    Heck, if it were me, I'd enjoy collecting all those requests and then dumping them on the new guy (or gal), and saying "You handle this, Sunshine."

    Even if you have a sense of entitlement the size of theirs', you can still have some fun.
