
What Paulson Really Means

Secretary Henry Paulson called the financial crisis now plaguing the world economy a "once or twice" in a 100 years event, even as he warned Thursday against imposing too-strict regulations to prevent a repeat calamity.

I'm so sick of these lying sacks of shit. Code words to his wall street whore buddies that he's doing all he can to insure there are no rules imposed so they continue to steal as usual. It makes no difference how many times it happens in 100 years it's here now and you and your asshole fellow thugs of the treasury are the main reason for it. Sonsofbitches! Get rid of this bastard.


  1. Read this post by Michael Prescott (no relation) about the uptick rule.
    Which also says loads about the foxes running the hen house.

  2. They are lying sacks of shit! This is far worse than once in 100 years and Greenspan purposely engineered it for Bush and as I keep saying the timing of the bankrupting of "our America" is no coincidence!
    I have to laugh! I was at Dusty's earlier thinking of you two and your beautiful headers because she had a beauty of the reflection of an arched bridge on a river. This one almost reminds me of the Rhine from Lorely!

  3. Plus, one of the reasons this was a once in a hundred years event is that there were regulations in place to prevent another one, at least until those regulations were deliberately crippled in the 1990s and the 2000s.

    Here's a list of the years of previous economic calamities of a similar nature that we've gone through: 1873, 1893, 1907, 1929. The longest period between them was 22 years. Since 1929, we'd gone almost 80 years without a collapse.

    "Too strict" regulations, my furry butt.

  4. What bothers me more than anything is that Paulson has never been 'for' the people...its all been about the financial bastards and keeping them afloat at any cost with our friggin money.

    Privatize the earnings, socialize the losses. Horseshit!

    I change my header daily btw. ;)

  5. paulson is a total ass -- just like ANYONE who works for bush. he obviously has no idea what he is doing -- but he does know he needs to take care of his WallSt buddies......

    mark my words - they will make it so much worse before Jan 20

  6. There's plenty more in store from these people before they leave. More shit is coming down the tube for sure.
