
Bad Weather My Ass Probably

A top Afghan army general was killed Thursday in a helicopter crash in western Afghanistan, the Defense Ministry said.

Remember the helicopter crashes in Iraq and how initially the reason was blamed on something other than hostile fire but in the end most of the time it was just that.

I look at this the same wayand don't believe this at this time. Ask the Russky's how the tide turned there when missiles supplied by the United States were used against them and how quickly the tide turned.

Anyone who thinks every last one was used up is being naive. This is going to be extremely nasty. LTFO


  1. bad weather ????really ???omg...they must think we are Soooo stupid..

    ( is it so they don't have to pay Combat Pay Death Benifits ???)

  2. With air crashes I don't trust initial reports very much. They tend to be wrong often enough that it's smart to be skeptical until an investigation backs up the guessing. One needn't even posit politics as a possible explanation (though it's a likely one here), since aircraft and pilots are both complicated things.
