
Benny's New You Tube Channel Review


12 short videos posted closing in on 80,000 hits on the first day. Ratzinger himself is in most of them. Two dealt with the importance of children and the rest I already forgot.

Nothing new here-same old shit. Bunch of men young and old wearing robes walking around slowly some carrying stick objects in front of them pointing up and above them. A bunch of angels flitting around would have been a nice touch and without even a hint of action it is boring pass all.

One kneeler out of a possible ten.


  1. Sorry but I ain't into the Vatican or their friggin pope.

    I despise most, if not all, organized religion.

  2. One kneeler out of a possible ten.

    Is that good or bad? It sounds like a negative rating system.

  3. If you're gonna watch that shit, you might wanna consider upping your blood pressure meds.
    Hope you're staying warm. We have white shit overload here and it hasn't been above freezing for weeks.

  4. It takes a special breed of cat to watch much of that stuff for sure.

    It's been above freezing during the day all week and that's fine by me jeg. Each one is gravy.
