
Can't Parallel Park-Worries Over Buy A Lincoln

Some luxury Lincoln models will include an automatic parallel parking feature next year. Ford has not yet announced pricing for the feature, part of a push to bolster the Lincoln brand, which the company sees as critical to its success in the U.S. market.

Seriously if you can not park your car you should not be allowed behind the wheel.

More importantly Ford don't you think you should be focusing on other areas given your shitty financial situation.

The success of your company has nothing to do with the ability of your luxury Lincoln log with wheels to park it's self.

Put the people on the line in charge and you may have a chance.


  1. I agree. The same with Onstar -- if you don't know where you are get a map, if you can't read a map get off the road.

  2. Another example that explains why they are loosing money. Fuck 'em all.

  3. Ford's financial position is actually not that bad, it's on par with Toyota's. As for Lincoln and the parallel parking feature, if it sells cars, Ford is all for it. Same deal with OnStar and Cadillac. If it sells cars... shrug.

    Remember, nobody *needs* four wheels. A motorcycle with a sidecar could do everything that the typical person does with a car. Back in Soviet days half of Siberia got around that way year-round (you can still buy one of those as the "Ural" motorcycle, beloved of folks here with more money than sense as "two-wheel drive ATV"). People *want* four wheels because of issues like comfort and convenience.

  4. There is so much that could and should be done to give people options for cheaper transportation.

    Automatic parking is not one of them.
