
Ever Looked At An Airpower Summary?

Taken from a report on 1/8/09 in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, an Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II and a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet performed shows of force and expended flares to deter anti-Afghan forces from attacking coalition units in the vicinity of Ghazni. The missions were declared a success by the on-scene joint terminal attack controllers.

This piece goes on and on like this. Plenty of flares expended and the missions are always a success.

Approximately 126 airlift sorties were flown; more than 420 tons of cargo were delivered, and nearly 3,200 passengers were transported. This included approximately 16,400 pounds of troop resupply that was air-dropped in Afghanistan. On Jan. 7, Air Force and coalition tankers flew 52 sorties and off-loaded approximately 3.7 million pounds of fuel to 314 receiving aircraft.

This goes on daily has been going on and is going to continue for some time growing larger in scale. So many things enter my thoughts on how screwed up this is I'm unclear on how to show my outrage over the waste of our country's resources.

In addition you have these things flying all over hell that have to be maintained as well.


  1. When we were in Vietnam, the hawks always thought the way to win the war was to bomb them back to the stone age. There was only one problem, they were already living in the stone age! Here we have history repeating itself again.

  2. We don't care to learn when there's greed and money invoved.
