
It's Been Dumping All Day

I know you folks are getting hammered bad in the North East but it's getting to be old shit around here too. We were supposed to get several inches but it's been like this all day. Spring can't get here fast enough! One more tough month to go even though March is supposed to be the snowiest month here but by then it goes away fairly quick. Good luck to all you who have got it really bad.


  1. Whoa, hang in there, love :)

  2. "Hang in there" is right. That's a great picture today. Is it from the recent snowstorms?

  3. Yes it is Cujo. Took it out of the window at work. Haven't looked outside this morning but don't think it snowed much and is supposed to be nicer. It's not that bad really but this weekend need to shovel the roof and blow snow away from the trailer. It will take awhile because it all has to be broken up before it can be blown.
