
It's Iran's Fault

As the war in Gaza approaches its third week, a chorus of influential voices in the U.S. media has cast the conflict as a proxy war in which the real enemy is not Hamas but Iran. Unsurprisingly, many of those espousing the "proxy war" argument, such as Ledeen, are advocates of regime change in Tehran, backed if necessary by military force.

Neo Con's continue to be a clear and ever present danger to the truth. These slugs dominate the media and if they ever get their wish Iran in the cross hairs for years will have the trigger pulled on them.

May Obama be smarter than that and distance himself from those who want for nothing but continued war killing and bloodshed.


  1. yeah, we need another war for no real reason like we need another hole in the head.

  2. It will be based on bullshit like most of the others too.

  3. These people have a one track mind and never let up.

  4. it is amazing how much they love killing and war and destruction
