
A Nation Of Medicine Chest Junkies

According to the Virginia Office of the Chief Medical Examiner's 2007 annual report, the 388 prescription drug-related deaths accounted for more than double the illegal drug-related deaths (152) and half of all drug-related deaths (717). The annual report details about 10 percent of all Virginia deaths.

The medicine chest line has been mine for years.Whether statistics like these hold true for other states I'm not sure but they are probably close.

How in the hell even if there were to be a rational discussion on ending the war on drugs could it be if prescription drugs were not included? When you have more people dieing from prescription drugs than from illegal drugs a light should come on for most who can reason even just a little bit.

Not here though. We won't be having that debate because that would point out the many problems with the pharmaceutical industry who has one of the most powerful lobby's in the halls of congress. And that is just one of many entities that profits or owes it's continued existence to the culture of drugs in our society.


  1. Bush was bragging the other day that he is winning the war on drugs. BS! They are counting only the usual suspects. People have turned to prescription drugs. I am sure death rates are much higher than they say too!
    You are right too that the lobbyists are too strong! They get a drug okayed before it is fully tested so they can make their $billions then they find out the hard way they are no good. What is a few dead people?
