
OneFly To Control

Ze helicopter arrived today. Of course wouldn't wait to read the details in full and went ahead and took off. Didn't break anything and did not have complete control but will very soon. Those varmints have a future date with da Blade.

Not tomorrow as yours truly has a date with pain. The extra battery did not arrive and I think by Friday or Saturday training will be ongoing and intense. At least until the batteries run out.

Going to get my 10 bucks from Busted for sure.


  1. Heh Heh heh he Heh, hee hee hee hee !

    I'm waiting.

  2. What's up with the pain thing?

    OMFG! YOU DID NOT meet my ex?!!

  3. Dentist

    You don't mean she lives here?

    I expect to be flying missions shortly and that's government time.

  4. Can't fly serious missions until you get it painted anti-radar black. . .

  5. As of now jeg I'm grounded till Thursday. Had to order a tiny part that was lost in a crash attempting to break into the stratospere.
