
Times Are Tough-City Reduces Pot Fines

FEDERAL HEIGHTS — Times are tough for everyone, including pot smokers busted under the city's old possession law.

So the council, which represents about 12,000 people, decided last week to cut the fine for marijuana possession of an ounce or less from $1,000 to $500 and eliminate the possibility of jail time.

This city is inside of Denver and this fine is actually more than if charged by the state for less than an ounce. That fine is $100 and no jail time. Have to give this local government a bit of credit for understanding the fines they had on the books didn't match the crime and the cost to prosecute was much more than it was worth.

Now if only the Federales could pull there heads out of their asses.


  1. wowser! possessing pot being a victimless crime you'd think they'd generate some money by selling and taxing weed. that would decrease the drug and gang activities and they are NOT perpetrating victimless crimes.

  2. Common sense? Can't have none of that.

    Take a moment and check this out lib.

  3. Criminalizing marijuana use has been and will continue to be a waste of tax payers dollars.

  4. Onefly - following your link in your comment seems to support my suspicion that the big pharmaceutical companies don't want marijuana legalized because it could cut into their profits. They want us to take their drugs for symptom and their drugs to combat the adverse side effects of their other drugs. It's an endless cycle and they are making money.

  5. It is an endless cycle for sure. The media could play a role in chang if they wanted but of course they won't.

    The biggest players in this particular game are the lobbyists. A scourge that must be changed as well.

    I'm not holding my breath on this either.

  6. It IS an endless cycle, with the US funding both sides of the "drug war." Rather silly, really.

  7. Who are the generals in the War on Drugs?
    Big Pharma - they can't have free access to a medicine they don't control.
    Big Crime - Drug lords will lose their safest cash if pot is made legal.
    Big Law - Law enforcement agencies will lose their abatement bonanza. Many sheriffs may have to get part time work.
    Big Gov't - this government will never admit a mistake. Perhaps the next one will. (Breath holding optional)

    Lots of Goliaths for us to knock down. Are you ready for it?

  8. Many are ready but we better not hold our breath or there won't be anyone left who gives a shit.
