
$4.7 Billion A Year To Promote Death And Destruction

As it fights two wars, the Pentagon is steadily and dramatically increasing the money it spends to win what it calls "the human terrain" of world public opinion. In the process, it is raising concerns of spreading propaganda at home in violation of federal law.

I don't know about anyone else but I have a serious problem with this.

When we as a country promote freedom and democracy (that's the line as we know it) allow our money to be used for the Pentagon to promote their agenda around the world that become the perfect example of how far we have strayed and also that we have no control.

Even with Obama at the wheel it appears the US will continue to be an aggressor for those behind the scenes protecting the so called interests of corporations and the rest of the wealthy.

Sick sick shit!


  1. "Shaping Public Opinion"..Propaganda by any other name still stinks like hog shit, and it's propaganda.

    The Pentagon is out of it's realm of expertise. Obama needs to rein them in.

  2. Isn't their shock and awe supposed to tell the whole story? What do they need to advertise for?

  3. Been reading about this at "Pen and Sword". It's been an ongoing problem for some time and some damn body should stop it.
    I stumbled across the following link in a comment at "Ornery Bastard" today that is a fitting comment on all the government bull shit. It's a song by Jim Hinde. You should put it up on your site. Very much worth the listen:

  4. Gee, all this money for the Pentagon and the Repubs are not willing to give anything to Main Street. People are losing jobs and their homes and Congress can't get a job stimulus package approved. And the beat goes on.

  5. We'll see what the O man does while the beat continues. I just call bullshit.

    Only excerpts Nunya. I have a hard time finishing books.

  6. This mostly started in the Rumsfeld years, although I think there have been earlier efforts. Part of that effort was exposed in that NYT article last year by David Barstow. They now have propaganda units integrated into larger commands as part of the standard unit composition. It wouldn't surprise me much to learn that some of those resources ended up propagandizing us.

  7. this will never end - the entire iraq war was just more "american propaganda" - only with guns. we have beendoing this for ever - think of all the pentagon inspired "govt changes" like chile and iran there have been
