
Birthday Party Menu For One Nasty Ass Dictator

2,000 bottles of champagne — Moët & Chandon and ’61 Bollinger
500 bottles of whisky — Johnny Walker Blue Label, 22-year-old Chivas
8,000 lobsters
100kg king prawns
3,000 ducks
4,000 portions of caviar
8,000 boxes of Ferrero Rocher
16,000 eggs
3,000 cakes — chocolate and vanilla
4,000 packs of pork sausages
500kg cheese
4,000 packets of crackers

Mugabe may be one of the worst. The sooner this guy is gone the better. Problem is there will be another to take his place. Power and money breed corruption as we have witnessed here for the last eight years.


  1. I wonder if this would be considered a small get together by some of the bankers feasting on our tax dollars right now?
