
Did I Read This Right??

This is an example of what we need to hear from our new president in respect to our second war front.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama has demanded that American defence chiefs review their strategy in Afghanistan before going ahead with a troop surge. Larry Korb, a defence expert at the Center for American Progress, a Washington think tank, said: “Obama is exactly right. Before he agrees to send 30,000 troops, he wants to know what the mission and the endgame is.”

Follow through on this Barrack and illustrate to these out of control pentagon bastards just who the fuck is in charge here. Speak for the people the ones who put you in office who want us out of these places as soon as possible.

Put together a plan for Bin Laden and when that is finished bring these men home as it should be. Be the change that lets the voices of the people be heard. Changes you spoke so eloquently about hundreds of times. The voices of war and death do not speak for the people and the last eight years are proof positive they have no credibility.

I like the feeling of hope early on a Sunday morning. Please make it so!


  1. President Obama is the Commander in Chief and he is the Decider in Chief and the sooner these Busholinis at the Pentagon understand that the better.

  2. I have to laugh! So what if they advise like Nixon's advisers did, that it can't be won militarily. It will change nothing. They can't say forget it then. We are screwed here too compliments of Bush!

  3. Sanity is something new at the Pentagon
