
Every Women Should Be Super Pissed!

UPDATE 2/23/09
Boyles is even a bigger slug than one could imagine. Check it out.

Had said recently there has been maybe a couple of examples on OTC of what goes on along the front range on the AM dial daily. That I don't do it because it's the same all over and we all know the dynamics. This is something fucking else!

As a male I find this reprehensible and besides that these are my fucking airwaves. That's an issue for another time.

Summary: During a discussion about President Barack Obama's signing of the economic recovery bill in Denver, Peter Boyles repeatedly referred to Democratic U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, who attended the ceremony, as "Vagina DeJet" and "Vagina DeGette." In one segment of his program, Boyles laughed loudly while playing and replaying an audio tape of the president mispronouncing the congresswoman's last name.

All of us should be so lucky to have a person like Colorado's Rep. Diana DeGette representing us.

This women hating slug of a man needs to be shit canned for this. I have followed every e-mail link in the story from Media Matters and said just that. If I'm wrong tell me-seriously.

The audio clip is not too long. Listening to grown men act like they do here leaves me shaking my head. Please get to work FCC.


  1. I can only remark on the irony that this sort of thing seems to be OK with the FCC, while inadvertant or occasional use of cursing is considered beyond the pale.

    I'm for free speech, and I'm for it here. This Boyles character is an ass, and it would have been obvious to almost anybody who was listening. If he weren't free to speak what passes for his mind here, many of us might not have known.

  2. This is worse than what Imus was hounded off the airwaves for. I hope this gathers steam and an issue is made of it.
