
Oil & Gas Going Bust Here Once Again

Pursuing the production of oil and gas here in Colorado particularly on the western slope the last few years has been contentious at best but the companies doing so got their way. Now it's going bust most all of it from jobs to real estate.

This is a excellent article with plenty of info.
"It's coming to an end again," Roth said, referring to the drilling boom that has buoyed western Colorado as the nation's economy sinks. "We've been riding the high horse, but I don't think that's coming back."

Many of these workers are from out of state and have ridden the gravy train of super high paying jobs are of course unhappy and need to place blame to make them feel better. And where does that blame go-a sick global economy and low gas prices to new state regulations on the industry and having Democrats in the White House.

You see it's so easy and some of the mining and drilling practices being used and planned were not viable and very environmentally unfriendly.

Sorry you guys lost your jobs but soon you can get them back with wind and solar positions as it should have been in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Too many people have tunnel vision when it comes to alternative forms of energy. We will all end up paying the priceas we continue to try and avoid the need for new and more sustainable forms of energy.

    Thanks for stopping by Stealth Survival. I will lay the topic to rest. I lived in NO for a good many years and I was deeply hurt by what happened to a truly unique and beautiful city.

