
Screw Daschle

Update: I recommend you go read Cujo's take on this. He covers it all!!

Yea he's a really nice guy and has worked on health care issues before plus he got targeted by the repugs and lost his senate seat. So fucking what and Obama will stick with him.

If not paying his taxes was a mistake I don't give a shit. At this level you're not allowed mistakes and then he says how sorry he is. I pay my taxes reluctantly and submit all documents I have just to be sure because I do not want these zombies coming after me.

The Prez continues to support and the media has a hey day. What the fuck is the difference between this and what we saw the last eight years.

For Daschle to put us in the same position as the crooked bastards we just got rid of is unacceptable and Obama should have made it clear that he will not accept incompetence on his team.

We must not be like the fools that came before us but it's proof these entrenched politicians are close to identical no matter what side of the aisle they're on.


  1. So true. If any of us got caught like this they'd have huge fines and legal fees maybe jail time.

  2. They are all slimes it seems. That aside, I really think he fucked up and should just admit it but I think at least I hope anyone Obama picks will do the job he expects. He is ultimately the Decider and I do have faith in him!

  3. If it were just tax problems, I'd say press on. The problem I have is his cozy relations with the industries he's supposed to regulate.
