
We Tried But Made It Worse

I am interested in events in Africa but with all that goes on here it's tough to keep up. This story is out of Uganda and the Congo and states the US has been training Ugandans in counter terrorism tactics for several years. It is a small band of killers from Uganda that are raising hell in the Congo.

What's interesting according to this is that former President Bush authorized the "African Command" unit of the Pentagon to assist Ugandan and Congolese units in the effort to finally dispatch the "Lord's Resistance Army". It didn't work and resulted in many more deaths of innocents.

If this story is accurate as much as I dislike doing so I will give credit to Bush for making the attempt to finally do these killers in as they have been killing for several years all over the region.

I do not want my country involved in manipulating elections to suit our needs or instigating coups or killing powerful people in country's that do not fit into our game plan. I do want them to assist if possible when asked to get rid of these nasty bastards who kill for the sake of killing people who's only crime is that of being a human being.

Story link


  1. Dude.

    When I started trying to figure shit out I realized I was ending up on the CIA's country profile pages a lot.

    Empires need natural resources and Africa's been the chosen place to acquire those for a few different Empires.

  2. Post-colonial Africa continues to be a humanitarian disaster.
    It seems as if any policy towards the various murderous regimes is doomed to failure - we were castigated for ignoring the Rwandan genocide; the murderous regimes reject humanitarian aid; now, it seems, we'll be castigated for interfering in the region's domestic politics.
    ... but, yes, W did well to try.

  3. Country's go in and bribe. Works every time and the results are evident. Africans learned from their colonial masters who themselves were some of the worst.
