
Whore AP Illustrates Just That

The headline-

Average American Net Worth Drops 23%

The first line of the piece.

(AP) The recession has cut many Americans' net worth by about 20 percent as the value of homes, stock portfolios and businesses have plummeted, the Federal Reserve said Thursday.

I don't know about you but when the figure is actually 23% you do not call it "about 20%". 23 is a hell of a lot closer to 25 than it is 20.

That's about what my tiny net worth dropped maybe a bit more. Many others have taken a bigger hit and the bottom line it ain't getting better anytime soon and were standing in a pile of shit up to our lower lip. LTFO!!


  1. luckily for me, I'm one of those working poor in america so my net value was all but zero to start with... if i get any broker i'll bounce off the bottom line...

    that stat from AP is fucking insane to ponder though... it makes me think that if we could lose about a quarter of our wealth JUST LIKE THAT, in one year... maybe that wealth wasn't as real as we thought it was...

    one love,
    --Reverend Manny and the Twilight Empire

  2. In writing a headline brevity is the rule. It take fewer spaces to say 23% than about 20%, thus you can use a larger font. This headline didn't even follow the proper style format.

  3. It was paper wealth I guess Rev. I always had a problem with people who move one piece of paper from one side of the desk to the other and get paid big bucks for doing so. Look what came from that-sonsofbitches!

  4. Prostitution or innumeracy - sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. There's plenty of both among members of the press.
