
Will There Be Walls Around This Too

At least 19 people have reportedly died in Wednesday's attacks near the presidential palace and the US embassy in the Afghan capital.

Azimy said that the attacks so close to the presidential palace showed that the Taliban can still hit any location. "Over a year ago that kind of attack could be a surprise, but not anymore."


  1. A pal of mine just moved to Kabul to teach at the American University there. He reported this morning on the attacks...

  2. Interesting-thanks for that Woody.

  3. The terrorists are just going to wind up the bs in Afghanistan.

    Russia's downfall was Afghanistan...those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. tsk...tsk..

  4. Afghan leader orders swift action on attackers

    These were coordinated joint attacks not on insignificant targets but on Justice and education ministries as well as the prison directorate that killed 26 and injured 57. This Kabul people the Saigon of South Vietnam. Obama better act quick with that reevaluation. Obama Putting Brakes on Surge in Afghanistan
    I feared it from the outset but I do not want to see a repeat of the evacuation of Saigon after we watched the failure in Vietnam.
