
Before The Pig Boy Turned To Boys

Originally posted 1/26/08 - and the link is dead.
The title was The Vulgar Pig Boy Back In The Saddle Again

It's true and they are so very happy. Kathryn Rogers breathing heavily says his life experiences is what attracted her in particular the problem with that nasty anal cyst that kept him from serving his country. Ms. Rogers goes on to state an aggressive massage of the scar helps ease the pain felt to this day. "I am so proud of Rush being able to ease his guilt of not being able to serve by fighting for truth and democracy with his radio program" OINK


  1. Ms. Rogers needs her head examined....that is IF there is anything up there.

    (BTW, the link doesn't work anymore.)

  2. Beautiful women hang around with the likes of Slimeball for one reason only:

    Well, Thirty-seven Million of them; even with a pre-nup.

  3. Link doesn't work Bud! Limbaugh has been my focus of late. He is such a Fascist scum. People think he is funny but he's an ass hole!
    He wants a return to Bush's destruction. What does that tell you?

  4. Yea I noticed the link was bad but the post is over a year old. Dug it out cause I felt the need to slap this human piece of pig shit.

  5. One Fly: ...an aggressive massage of the scar helps ease the pain felt to this day.

    Could be why his other 3 wives divorced him. One can only take so much of that before deciding to cash out.

  6. It must be a real bitch. These girls earn every penny. Thanks for coming over!
