
GOP Sending Out Video Goon Squads

The National Republican Congressional Committee is sending out video "trackers" to ask provocative questions of Democratic members of Congress. The trackers, who are congressional committee staffers.

They're still pissed off about George Allen screwing himself on tape with his macaca moment of bigotry. So they are sending out their small boys who stick their cameras in front of dims trying to piss them off into saying something in anger that can be used against them later.

Word on the street is that they were all in a huddle with Billo. These fuckers got nothing but time on their hands and very small pea brains.


  1. The Rethugs are low-brow bastards and they will do anything to discredit any Democrat that they can, using any means at all including out-right lying.

  2. Well lucky for the us that we get audio of this fat guy on the radio 5 days a week to make the case agianst the Republicans. I was kind a hopin' that Fox picked him up for the teevee machine, I'd even donate a buck or two towards that folly........

  3. If they catch a Democrat using racist words, then I don't care if that Democrat loses in the primary to a more honorable Democrat.
