
The Last Stretch

320 to go and I'm outta here in an hour or so. It's snowed every day since I've been gone plus it was cold. Will probably have to shovel the roof and hope all is ok inside as I had turned the heat down.

The pictures of Chaco are not very good as it was overcast but will put some up when I get back. Do have a problem with my ride but it should be okay. Hope all of you are well.

Later-One Fly


  1. Did you go into Chaco from Grants? or did you go around and go in by way of Cuba?

    The drive in from Grants (I-40) is a total beyotch...the road's horrible...

    hope yer ride holds up...
    vaya con dios...

  2. Have a safe trip home, One Fly.
    Hope the ride stays together for ya.

  3. Hope you have a good journey home One Fly..I love photos from roadtrips! ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing the photos. That one that's up now is terrific.

  5. I am home and there's a bunch of snow here but not too cold.

    I went in through Cuba Woody and now you can't leave on 57 on the north side but the south which is probably better.

    It's a lot of fun taking pictures along the way Dusty. I enjoy yours as well.

    In a while I'll have something else up on this but it's nothing special.

  6. Dude...every picture tells a story..according to Rod Stewart anyway. ;p

    Did you hear? The ruling has come down in the Coleman/Franken case...it seems to favor Al most newsers are saying! ;)

  7. Dude...every picture tells a story..according to Rod Stewart anyway. ;p

    Did you hear? The ruling has come down in the Coleman/Franken case...it seems to favor Al most newsers are saying! ;)

  8. Yea - Franken's seat is getting awful cold in the Senate. Time this thing moved along.

    I got a bone there Cujo.

  9. Great picture! I hope you had a ball and the ride if fine on the way home. Hope all is well when you get there. Even in Colorado spring will be here soon, well maybe 3 months geesh!

  10. No shit-a month anyway the way it's looking now.
