
News Bitches Are Jealous

The latest arms controversy embroiling the White House has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Instead, it's sprung from criticism about Michelle Obama showing off her toned triceps and biceps.

The First Lady is an attractive in shape intelligent women. What not to hate there?


  1. I see the fashionistas are all pissed off about what she wore to Prez Obama's address to Congress. Fuck them!

    Kudos to Michelle for wearing what SHE wants!
    She's brought a breath of fresh air to the Whitehouse. No stuffy white women here.

  2. These monkey bitches sure wouldn't want to talk about the fact she is very well educated and has something to contribute now would they Gramps.

    Just another reason so many are simple bastards.

  3. Some people really do need to get a life.
