
Quick Charge This Battery News

U.S. engineers have found a way to make lithium batteries that are smaller, lighter, longer lasting and capable of recharging in seconds. Because they use older materials in a new way, the batteries could be available for sale in two to three years, a team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported on Wednesday in the journal Nature.

This sounds promising. There needs to be better batteries and the new generation of batteries will use lithium. This country must make a commitment to alternative energy quickly. And don't forget to be real nice to Evo down there in Bolivia where half the worlds lithium is found.


  1. That does sound very promising, especially the quick recharge time.

    Can you imagine recharging an electric car in a matters of minutes? That would be like filling the tank now.....well,for those who can afford to fill 'er up.

  2. Definitely good news for electric cars.

  3. You'd think folks would be tearing down walls to get at this research. However, I suspect that most will avoid it because of the chance it would hurt short term profit (no one would buy the "old style" batteries).
    I do hope someone will vigorously follow up - but I bet it will be someone outside the U.S.

  4. One Fly
    Please excuse the "Test" comment. I'm been having problems with my OpenID url and am gathering data to help them trouble shoot.
