
Repeal Of The Fairness Doctrine Has All Ready Passed In The Senate

Tacked onto the DC voting rights bill at the very end as usual the "Broadcaster Freedom Act" (S. 34) passed overwhelmingly in the senate and is heading to the house.

The amendment, sponsored by Senate Republican Steering Committee Chairman Jim DeMint (S.C.) and Senate Republican Conference Vice Chairman John Thune (S.D.), would block the FCC from reviving equal-time requirements by enacting the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

You can take action here.

The wingers fear this with their lives. I do not want to see this ended and if reinstated it is the only way we have a chance to rebut the lies in media. The article implies it won't pass in the house but the fact it's part of this bill and the dims have no balls I don't trust them for a second.


  1. Fucking conservatard bastards will do anything to keep their messages full of lies as the only ones the public will be able to hear over the airwaves.

  2. There never was ANY possibility that it would or could be reinstituted.

    Media consolidation sealed the deal.

    The conditions under which it was possible to install it in the first place have been 180 degrees different since Clenis signed the new Communications Act of 1996.

    So the charade in the Senate was all kabuki...

  3. Thanks for not telling me that I can't spell you two.

  4. Thanks for not telling us that we're blind.

    I didn't even notice til you said somethin'.

  5. The Real Problem with CNBC

    ...That’s not the problem with CNBC. The real problem is their reporting — or lack thereof. The CNBC reporters and anchors make the Bush press corps look like draconian inquisitors. They are obsessed with access. This is a problem with all of the media, and something Jon Stewart points out all the time. But it is particularly acute at CNBC (and all other business news channels)....
    ...CNBC never did any exposés about the enormous risks these financial companies took. They never exposed the insanity of the derivatives market. And they never told their audience that the executives of these companies have been robbing their shareholders blind. Because they didn’t see that as their job. They saw their job as doing whatever it took to keep Wall Street happy and playing ball with them....

  6. Done. Thanks for the post.

  7. It drives me crazy that they can just write shit in when they sign. I don't get it?

    If they can do that and it is written in then before signing the President should have the right to cross it out!
    Why not? Sounds like a cop out to me!
