
Road Trip

Yea it's time for a road trip that I was unable to do for several years because of family matters. Going to blast out to California to visit two friends. Been to my PC buddy's place several times but never to my other friends place in Santa Barbara. He lives here during the summer. After the visiting is over will go through SW Utah and then to the Grand Canyon where I plan on seeing this.

Also want to spend some time at Wupatki National Monument which is one of my favorite places just outside of Flagstaff. After that not sure. Plan on being back to work by the 1st. Looking forward to getting a bunch of good pictures hopefully. It's time for the movie to start although it's dark. Main thing is to be careful through deer alley until the sun gets up. Will be posting off and on. Gotta go- Later One Fly


  1. Have a great time, One Fly.

    Lots of pics! Lots an' lots an' lots of pics. I've never been out there and probably never will.
    I 'd like to see what it looks like through the eyes of a traveler instead of a paid professional photographer.

  2. Enjoy your trip, Bud.

    The sunshine will be good for your soul.

  3. I could be coming through Albuquerque and I'd like that Woody and if that happens if possible would like to meet up with Russ and PM too. Russ said he was buying down at the frontier. Need to make a post about the drive out here which ain't much.

  4. Being out on that platform has GOT to be cool!

  5. I'm not going to make it out there you guys. A couple reasons. It costs up to a hundred smackers to actually walk on this thing but that's not one of the reasons.
