
Worried About Your Tax Haven?

The world's most secretive tax havens are to be prised open after Barack Obama's new administration endorsed far-reaching legislation to crack down on them.The decision to force "secrecy jurisdictions" to reveal the identities of the super-rich and major corporations who use them came from the US treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner.

There maybe a senator or two that have funds in a tax haven and if not they all know many that do. Bring on some legislation but the fun will be in the senate watching slime ooze from some of these Taliban of the west wearing suits as they defend stealing from us.

This is real fucking simple. If you move funds outside the US in an attempt to avoid paying taxes in this country make it a crime.

Get it going kiddies I've got another ready to go for ya when you finish up with that. I'll believe it when I see it and until then we got squat. Talk is so cheap these days.


  1. Now, if we could just get Obama to see that his own secrecy jurisdiction is a bad thing ...

  2. it's so aggravating... alot of these wall street fuckheads are going on a "zero income" lifestyle now , where they'll hide their money and live off the interest
