
Bad Bad Focus Boy

Focus on the Family has fired an employee who was charged last week with two felonies for allegedly using the Internet to solicit sex from an underage girl.

Is this all they could do is fire? They need to crucify him in their god chambers as an example of how not to act if you claim to be a member of this mind sect. But they won't do that cause there are too many just like him and that's what these types of religious sects breed.

Disgusting bastards all of them.


  1. aint it funny how sexually repressive sects, cultures and countries always have the highest rates of rape and incest?... yup, pakistan, afghanistan, and saudi arabia lead the world in those categories.....

    back here on the domestic front, these self-righteous sticky-crotched bible-thumpers are our own hypocrite-du-jour. I'm still waiting to see what finally took down the Dobson.

  2. Evangelical communities were and are the last vestieges of the sexually uncomfortable and sexually paranoid. Sexual repression by church and gov't "leaders" amounts to same actions the slaveowners used in our country successfully for centuries. Sex is really about our personal mental health and we don't need these phony, self-appointed chaperones.

  3. Does this mean they're gonna go through and check up on everybody else and then fire all the other perverted fucks in the organization!?!
