
Dartboard Justice

Have never been at a trial and don't plan on having one and if there is going to be one with me on the receiving end of the punishment keep the bibles at home. These people enjoy torture tooo much! I rather they use a dartboard.

Not saying they should have heard this but in the past-
The court previously has said jurors should base their verdicts only on evidence presented in the courtroom.

Supreme Court rejects Waco man's challenge to jury's Bible use in death row appeal


  1. If my memory serves me right, don't all who give witness in court swear on Readers Digest?

  2. That was wrong for the SCOTUS to turn that down. That jury did not follow the instructions of the judge, and the death sentence should have been thrown out.

    Fucking christianist whack-jobs.

  3. I second Grandpa Eddie's comment. I hate those fuckers.

  4. Texas sure is tough place to get some justice.Where was the premeditation in this murder? Collins fired first with every right to do so but he shot people who were attempting to flee. Instead of consulting the Bible for guidance shouldn't someone be consulting the law books to make sure the punishment fit the crime?
