
Include Cell Phones Too

Nearly 1 in 10 U.S. kids addicted to video games. Hell I know an adult or two that are as well-what the hell is new.

If there is a real addition happening it's with cell phones where there is rapt attention given to this device with thumbs constantly moving. Once again people doing this are oblivious to the world around them and as for myself I like to know what's happening in my immediate area. Overall it is a negative from where I sit.


  1. Have I mentioned my Three-T Theory (3 T = Text, Tweet, Twitter)?

    That they are the functional, human equivalent of the constant, shrieking chatter between members of a monkey-troop by which all members are constantly assured of their status within the troop???

    By the way: Legalize It.

  2. More than a theory there Woody.

  3. You're right, cell phones have become the new addiction of the younger generation.

  4. Texting is the stupidest waste of time and money. Make everyone use the jitterbug and turn it back into a phone again.

  5. Seems to me that you are right! Cell phones and its many functions are the primary problem. Texting while driving, sexting gee we probably would have been passing nudies too!
