
Job Fair Cancelled

The Workforce Center sent out 300 flyers to employers advertising the job fair and inviting them to sign up for booths. Five to seven employers were interested in attending the job fair, but then most of those dropped out.

No shit Cisco-there are no jobs there and there sure as hell not any here. There aren't many anywhere as we all know. Sales tax down 20% here for the month of February and the real estate monkeys here continue to think she's all coming back to those wondrous times of yesteryear-my ass!


  1. the real estate monkeys here continue to think she's all coming back to those wondrous times of yesteryear-my ass!

    15-20 years down the line, mebbe...
    IF we get past the next three without self-immolation--abetted by the thieves in the banks and finance fanning the flames...

    I'm retired, which is good since I am effectively unemployable anyway...

  2. There was a job fair here in March and all anyone there said was that they weren't hiring now and didn't know when they would be.
    If nobody's hiring, why have a fucking job fair!?!

  3. Jobs in Oregon are very rare outside of the burgerflippin kind. One job is booming-debt collection. For 11.00 an hour you can sit on your ass all day and harass your neighbors and fellow citizens who are unemployed, with no health insurance and soon to be totally "shit out of luck." A flag decal on your forehead is the only requirement to do this kind of work.

  4. The days of yesteryear are gone never to return as we knew them. I am up in the hills if western Mass. No such thing as job fairs. Three of my sons are in the military.
    The one I just drove back from Florida with just got a job after a month. $14 an hour and he is lucky and happy. He hopes to get in the steel workers union next month. I really wish him luck!

  5. It's gonna get worse on the job front before it starts getting better according to the econ dudes. :(

    BTW..I love your current header..the three bears..where is Goldi?

  6. This article reminds me of this quote, "Seasonal unemployment was found to be a state which does not have much employment, for example, rural areas."

    But there are career experts who conduct seminars giving advice about the needed skills to compete in today's competitive job market.
