
Our Third War Front Pushes Across Our Northern Border

The war rages and the front continues to grow larger with the battles growing deadlier. After some 30 years and continued escalation it has been clear to most victory is unobtainable. The new front has reached Vancouver.

There have been 47 shootings, 19 of them fatal, this year alone, twice as many as five years ago. Peter Van Lorn, Canada’s minister for public safety, has declared Vancouver the country’s new gang capital.

The DC funding punk whores get wood every time more funds are thrown at this long lost cause it's the ganga ya know mon. The evil herb that leads people to the dark side. My ass!

In the end it may not be much but there is a discussion going on about this issue in Boulder with both sides present.
Student organizers have lined up local and national speakers from both sides of the issue, including liberals and conservatives, legalization advocates and law enforcement leaders for forums Saturday through Monday.


  1. I wonder how many more lives have been lost due to the "war on drugs" then have died from overdoses since said "war" was declared.

  2. For 3 yrs in the mid-90s Iworked in the high-end concrete forming business. The newest products were futuristic concrete blocks and
    (surprise!!) their biggest market (county,state and federal prisons) surprise!!! surprise!!! The concrete companies contributed many millions to mostly Repubs in the form of political donations to get this done Surprised?

  3. Con't.-- Don't be surprised that the war on drugs is fueled like all our wars by corporations buying off politicians to get the gov't to buy huge sums of their products and create demand. War, War on Drugs, Missle Systems, Prison Systems,Prison Building Systems. It's "pay to play" for the gov't. bribery system we democracy. Have a nice day!!

  4. You know I have written pretty extensively on this. It really has to be legalized. It would end so many problems senselessly outlawing it to protect alcohol has caused!

  5. Yessir, gangs are doing quite the brisk business in drugs.

    Check out this pic. It always amazes me that the best looking people get away with more shit. Maybe they had nothing to do with the murders, but it's true that better looking people get away with more shit, AND they make more money. Seriously, some of the most fucked up, useless bitches on the planet are pretty to look at.

  6. war on drugs, war on terror, war war war ---- i am starting to sound like scarlet o'hara

  7. War..the word itself gives me chills. The War on Drugs gives me a friggin migraine.
