
Ramping Up For The Biggy Tomorrow

Poop Benny tortures thousands tonight.

Weapons used were thousands of lit candles and a shell-shaped silver scooper. After two and a half hours non stop the most dangerous man in the word became hoarse.

You want to get information from detainees make 'em sit through one of these things and sing they will. This has got to be brutal.

This is unfortunate but what this priest is going to need is a good lawyer not prayers.

The pastor of a western Pennsylvania church says a retired priest is in a state of shock and in need of prayers after police and witnesses said he drove into a group of churchgoers following a Good Friday service, killing an elderly woman and injuring four other people.


  1. Yeh, that priest needs a good lawyer. It's the people he hit who need the prayers...if you believe in that stuff.

    So Rat-Nazi is back to torturing people again, carrying on the good Roman Catholic tradition.

  2. Benedict is no John Paul! Benedict seems like a Nazi to me. He is very unpriestly and personally I am amazed he is pope. He has definitely brought the church back to its roots and that is not a good thing!
