
Will The Dims Go Through The Door On Torture?

Don't anyone get there hopes up on this when Obama opened this door. These lame dicks let the killer Bushes do whatever the fuck they wanted why would that change now? Angry letters is the normal tactic with these puswads. I suppose they'll get right on it after the Rove/Meirs testimony under oath that was supposed to happen and then they have all those secret bank accounts to peruse from Switzerland. I mean these people are busy ya know.

If congress does discuss the possibility if you think the repugs and the media whores have been bad up to now just wait-yea just fucking wait because the shit storm that will ensue will be of the likes never seen before.

And again until it or anything else else actually does occur it's the same-we have squat as usual.


  1. They damn well better do something about it!

    It may end up being Holder and the DoJ taking on this one.

  2. Obama and the A.G./ Justice Dept. are leaning towards a Blue Ribbon Comm.-like th 9/11 Comm. Lets call this what it is; total bullshit and a complete whitewash meant to protect current and former pols of both parties. Already in Oregon Obama is being compared to Wily Cock Clinton and many progressives are seeing hope for real change rapidly disappearing. I think our future will be even more bleak if Obama and Co. don't get the facts out, pronto. With unemployment reaching 20% in some counties and the wars sapping our wealth, with Tarp money being missused and the average family getting screwed the "dam of disaster" will soon breach and America will become a giant Katrina. "Bring out your dead" won't be so funny anymore.

  3. I think the Obama Administration doesn't want to do anything on this subject. Whatever their motivations, the actions are pretty clear. They go through the motions and then do nothing of substance. If you're looking for change on this subject, you'll have to look elsewhere.

  4. I expect nothing as we've not gotten a damn thing from these people in years.

    I'd like to have a different and more positive attitude but I can not when there are no reasons why one should.
