
Coppers Will Love This

TipSoft SMS is an application that allows anyone with information about a crime or illegal activity to submit the information to law enforcement agencies using a cell phone or computer. This secure application allows the tipster and the investigator to have two-way dialogue while keeping the tipster's identity completely anonymous.

Talk about opening the door for abuse well here it is. This technology originates out of Texas.

Organizers don't anticipate many problems with false information.

As usual those w
ith the guns just don't see any issues and I understand it was only a matter of time a system using texting would be developed to rat out the bad guys which I really don't have an issue with except there are going to be many who will be fucked with that don't deserve any of it. That's the problem.

Getting good leads on crimes that deserve to be investigated and solved is a good thing but damn it lets get some equality here okay!

Let's text in the crimes that the party of Hoover perpetrated and get that investigation going pronto. What's good for the little guy is just as good for the sonsofbitches that committed crimes against humanity. Heh!


  1. Shit! I can see this being abused like crazy.
    Somebody doesn't like ya...they text the cops, and they screw with your life til YOU get it straightened out.

  2. ". . .while keeping the tipster's identity completely anonymous."

    What the fuck happened to "being able to confront your accuser?"
    This will lead to a lot of innocent folks getting fucked over.
    Thanks again Bushco.

  3. Looks like we're entering a Soviet style era where neighbors ratted out neighbors constantly, allowing the KGB to create dossiers on just about everyone.

    Assuming that's what life was really like over there. I never knew if it was propaganda or not but I find it amazing that we'd institute something that's going to create exactly the same thing over here.
