
He Thinks He's Back

Feel much better and didn't realize how rundown I had become. Didn't miss work but wasn't worth a shit which is kinda the case anyway.

Had said in the past as the weather got better needed to step away from blogging and enjoy things but not this much.

There's a bit of swill on my mind and some ass that needs to be kicked. Do not like Arnie that much but love that line "I'll be back".

Thanks for the thought Busted!!


  1. Glad you're feeling better.
    Been thinking about you.

  2. Glad to see you're able to function again One Fly.

    Been waiting for your return to the wonderful world of blogging.

    Thanks for posting the tune.

  3. First time I heard that song I was 16. I've loved it ever since :)

    Glad you're not feeling quite so punky.

  4. Keepin' you in my thoughts, bro. Lots of good food and drink and you'll be right as rain.

    Take it easy this weekend, rest and relax.

    We'll pick up where we left off when you're good to go.
