
Keep This Boy Right Where He's At

As the head of the Interior herding his sheep. Better that than wearing a robe with the other Supremes.

Gov. Bill Ritter and the state's two freshman senators are asking President Barack Obama to "seriously consider" appointing Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to the U.S. Supreme Court.

When it comes to war and what's good for corporations Kenny boy consistently voted with the repugs. The fucker will do the same if he were to sit on that god almighty bench. Already Ken's replacement has followed in his footsteps. And this is what I'm supposed to accept as good choices. Not a chance.

Already the guv and the majority dims have saddled me and other little guys with a huge car registration increase. I get to pay the same as the high end suver's who make much more of an impact than us. I'll pay my share but not at the same level as the wealthy in this case.

Never would the right nominate someone if they didn't know exactly what they were going to get from them-never. Democrats aren't like that and they need to be but it is not going to change.

Salazar has sided with the far right too many times. How stupid are you to give him a chance to do the same on the supreme court. Roe v Wade or god in schools? Don't trust this guy any farther than you can see him.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats aren't like that and they need to be but it is not going to change.Ummmmm, why would you think Obama wouldn't know exactly whart he was getting by putting Salazar on the SCROTUS?

    And I'd betcha dollars to donut holes Salazar'd be yet another fucking mackerel-snapping OPUS DEIST up there, too.

    You know, probably, that for the last 40 years, every Court appointment except Ruth Ginsberg has been more "conservative" than their predecessors, right?

    And you know that the Warren Court was an histrical anomaly on par with the presiency of George Washington?
