
Lithium For All

A 1990 study found higher levels of lithium in drinking water were linked to fewer incidences of crimes, suicides, and arrests related to drug addictions.

The study mentioned above was done in Texas -imagine that. There are seven lithium springs here in the town center and I guess older folks continue to partake of this sulfuric liquid. If lithium in the water supply would have a positive effect on society I'm all for it. Wonder if it helps dumb fuckers and crazy ass christians any? Let's start in the red states and pipe some into Dobson's mind screw palace in Colorado Springs for a start. If you need any I'll send you some of the primo stuff.


  1. Lithium is a very misunderstood substance in most circles. People suffering from a bi-polar disorder have used it for decades and it's no surprise that in controlled amounts it would help an entire community. It helps with ADD and hyperactivity and I could see where this is a very good thing for all sorts of ailments. Could this miracle elixir be marketed at a reasonable price? Is it readily available like its counterparts beer and marijuana? Does it make you crave bad pizza delivered to your door in less than 30 minutes or its free? I really think you could be on to something here.

  2. I think maybe we need to pump lithium laced water into the drinking water supply in DC, and the RNC headquaters. While we're at it, let's pump it into every fucking building Rupert Murdoch owns!

    Might just as well pump it into every govt building, state & federal, in every damn state. Maybe then all those asshats will start getting along and get something done.

  3. i would probably make the douchebag world of james dobson and pat robertson and rush limbaugh even more douchebaggier - anything that touches these guys makes them even more despicable

  4. I dunno about lacing the water with Lithium. Heavy duty shit there..and no way to tell who gets the most of it.

    But it's something to daydream about ain't it? ;)
