
Mike The Headless Chicky A True Story - Friday's Chuckle -

This is good stuff and laughed my ass off when I first learned of it.

Residents of Fruita, a western Colorado town of 11,000, are holding their 12th annual festival this weekend for a chicken named Miracle Mike who, according to legend, lived 18 months after a farmer lopped off his head with an ax but left his brain stem, a jugular vein and one ear intact.


  1. Did you call Barack before releasing this photo? I've heard this chicken was actually tortured by the Security Branch of Tyson Foods in a unknown chicken coop built by Homeland Security. This confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that releasing more photos like these will just encourage butchers and meat markets around the world. Have you no shame?

  2. The comment is even better!

  3. This is just way too good.

    I had heard about this before but thought it was just like an Urban Legend.

    I think Anon is right. Looks like Tyson torture to me.

  4. Sweet-friggin-jaysus-in-a-speedo..

    This isn't funny to moi..but that's ok, as my sense of humor got left in my other pair of jeans. ;p

  5. roflamo, dude, you're almost as twisted as I am, lol

  6. Sounds more like a description of congress . . .
