
Today's Caddyshack


  1. I've been out there when it's thundering and lightening, but when the flashes get too close I head in.

  2. OF, you run/own/manage a golf course?

    kewl beans...

    i never played...i've hacked the ball around a bit, but never got the stance and the grip and all...

    did i ask you? where did you get the foto of the bears at the door?

  3. I was watching a friend of mine one time cutting down a tree in his front yard. After repeatedly ignoring my warnings, he dropped that tree right on his girlfriend's brand new car. I think that's what ended the relationship.

  4. So do I PM and you know as well as I in the southwest it's those wispy clouds that don't look like much are the ones that will kill you. What I find funny is that my friend didn't see a bit of those flashes. They were at least 25 miles away and it was perfect when we were playing.

    If its a bigger tree Gramps if possible a little pressure with the tractor just to be sure is a good thing. The giants I wouldn't touch and we have something like 230 that have to be removed because of beetle kill but not this year because it will cost thousands.

  5. You're just like me. If there is water in sight, reachable or not, out come the scratch and dent balls retrieved when looking for my stray or misaligned shots into the woods. Although I wonder if really effects my confidence in my swing, I'm still debating that.
