
Why Congress Is Full Of Whores

We all know about fund raising but this article chapped my ass early this morning about Colorado Senawhore Bennet who has already since being appointed by the guv voted with the hardcore repugs just like Saladbar the sheepherder he took the place of.

Less than half of the $1.1 million he raised from individual contributors came from Colorado. He received more than $100,000 from donors in New York, Washington, D.C., and California each.

Then there's this from our other rep in the senate from yesterday that's equally as bad..

Colorado Sen. Mark Udall, in Afghanistan meeting with government officials and American military leaders, said Monday that President Barack Obama's new military strategy in the region is "on the right track."

War plans never go "according to plan" you dumb ass-even I know that.

These two fuckers do not represent me or my state but outsiders and corporations. Like most of them they are outright prostitutes and that is truer than most of the shit that comes out of any of these peoples mouths.


  1. Yeah, I never knew that it was legal to accept campaign contributions fro mout of state till I did some data entry on a campaign. It sucks and it should be illegal. Damnit! In fact, I want to know why the public airwaves don't give free time to candidates to take their message to the people???!!!!????

  2. ps, stunning pic again my friend :)

  3. I have said for a long time that there needs to be a federal law that political contributions for both Senators and Representatives should only come from within their respective states and that said money should be verifiable so as not to be given to someone in-state to donate for someone outside of the politician's state.

    Now, the problem is getting enough of the 535 whores in DC to vote for it.

  4. Why Congress Is Full Of Whores

    cuz that's where the easy money is.

    no reliable corpoRat has ever left Congress poorer than they were when the came to Congress

    when you're performing for the guy with the money and the guns, you do wht they tell ya, and smile and learn to love it...

    Your Udall doesn't seem to be cut from the same cloth as ours.

  5. What kind do you have down there Woody?

    Really Nunya. Thank you for that.

    I think us guys should be put in charge.
