
Wyoming Ranchers Don't Want No Windfarms There

DOUGLAS, Wyo. (AP) -- Some landowners in the northern Laramie Range in Converse and Albany counties are opposing two separate projects involving wind energy.

They are opposed to where the transmission lines will run. One of the complainers is Diemer True. He's an oil guy. Nuff said.

What kind of name is Diemer anyway?


  1. These assholes would be against pretty much anything methinks that looks or smells like conservation.

  2. You're quick on the draw Dusty-I just put this up. Thank for coming by-have a good one. Gotta go to work. tb

  3. Of course this ass named True is against wind power. He's an oil man and wind power will cut into his profits. He's putting personal gain ahead of country, but I bet he'll say he's more patriotic than you or I.

  4. The name Diemer,according to my German- English dictionary, is pronounced Dimmer. The closest American pronounciation would be like a dimmer switch. It is commanly used to make a dull light, duller according to my sources. Common slang derived from dimmer would be, as an example, a dimwit. So, Diemer True, according to his heritage, is a true dimwit or truely a dullard poorly enlightened. Whatever the case this guy isn't smart enough to pour piss out of his cowboy boot to put it in terms of Wyoming-speak. Put him on his horse backwards and stand a mirror up in front of him so he can get a true and accurate picture of himself.

  5. That's funny anonymous. Thanks for the comments guys.
