
Another Whack Job Heading Up Focus On Family

The whore Denver Post sure loves them focus people down in the Springs. The new dictator's last name is Daly and he sure as hell no relation to John. If he were there would be some hope.

So this outhouse piece goes on and on about this man that this happened and then that plus he's not like that but like this now and loves his sons and the past did this for him-jebus forking christ I wanted to puke.

Yea life was tough for a lot of us but the truth about this man is found easily within the article.

Focusing on mind screwing as many as possible plus defending Christian values against the perceived societal threats of abortion rights, gay marriage, divorce, pornography and what the ministry considers the ultra-liberal Barack Obama administration.

Don't anyone shit themselves because this man is one in the same as that bastard Dobson. Dangerous religiously insane American christian Taliban ramping up for the new assault on those ready and willing to be mind fucked.


  1. Don't forget that all this spewing of hate makes them a ton of money.

  2. Just a different name and face running the machine of hate! Nothing is going to change.

    As far a Dobson not being the force behind this group of American-Taliban, I don't buy that. He's still in charge, and he'll be telling this Daly just what to do from behind the scene.
