
Grab One

These even surprise the guy who took them as to how pretty and vibrant they are. The last few days of flower pictures have got to be the best ever captured for me and I don't have a clue why that would be but heading down to the river just now and the sun is out-yes!!

Remember to click on the picture to hugen up and these can be saved unlike the one at the top.


  1. Out here in the desert/mountains, even the weeds are wonderfully colorful...

  2. Great pics! What's yr equipment? What time of day?

  3. Pentax Optio W60

    Pretty early for most of these- when the sun rises a bit over the mountain.

    Set on the flower setting and on Macro unless it's closer then there's another setting.

    It's fun and I get a kick out of it.

    Used to say I fish better than I golf and not sure about that any more and right now think I take pictures better than the other two.

    Putting this close up video of this type of spider that's common here that jumps and is aggressive that I did this morning.

    So much for politics and nutters this time of year.

    Thanks for stopping by Mont.

    Thank's for stopping by.

  4. Will you please id the flower in pic "62309.026.jpg? I'd sure like some of those in my garden!

  5. That flower is called "blue flax" jeg and can be found at Beauty Beyond Belief.
