
Former Congress Whore Musgrave Is Just That

This crazy terrorist bitch got her ass kicked from one end of the district to the other and now is out screaming this kind of shit.

"It's certainly not easy to lose your seat in Congress. And harder still to be true to your values as I have been, but the radical homosexual lobby, abortionists, gun-grabbers and all the rest of the extremists finally spent enough money, spread enough lies and fooled enough voters to defeat me."

These fuckers are never going away until media quits giving them a continual mouthpiece to spew their hate and lies. Bastards!


  1. The Corporate Media will never leave them alone. 'Radical homosexual lobby'..oh give me an effin break bitch.

    WE are the extremists? Puleeze.

  2. Yeah bitch "the truth shall set you free".

    And it did set us free! Free from your lies and deceit!

    Dusty has it right. The Corporate Media will never stop giving them a mouthpiece, because the Corporate Media owns them.
