
Get Prepared For A Screwing

Ramping up for a slew of taxes and bipartisanship is part of the prescription. This quote about sums the whole thing up. "We're getting closer and closer," Baucus said during a break in the meeting. "There's no doubt in my mind we're going to have a bipartisan bill."

In the end as usual we will have nothing and this will be another blatant example of how the battle is lost. There is a consortium of the most evil in the world telling those who make the rules and the votes just how it will be done.

No accountability for years-war for lies-unchecked illegal spying-torture-rendition and on and on.

Now our side is doing the same and we have the power and the numbers to make the change that the majority in this country has wanted for years but they will never do that ever.

That is why we have lost.

1 comment:

  1. Congress is owned by the Insurance Companies.
    There ain't one fucking thing that's gonna change.
