
Giving It Up

Don't think I've ever come straight out and said what part of the cornfield OTC is actually from but that is about to change.

The reason for that is the video below that I just ran across. You have seen pictures of this place more than once but this is something else.

If you ever watch anything here watch this. These two guys are so good and a bit mocking at times. Trust me as it will be worth it. Goes to show what crazy ass Germans and religion when teamed together can do.

The stories I can tell you!!


  1. From some of your past posts I kinda figured you were originally from Iowa.

    The Grotto was "different", and strange at the same time. Once again, though, here we have part of the Catholic church spending money to build an opulent structure. I wonder how many poor Catholics could have benefited from the money used on this project. But then, I guess idols and idolatry are more important than people.

  2. That was pretty eerie. I agree wholeheartedly with Grandpa Eddie. And the woman saying "Crazy" was pretty funny although it, the dialogue, seemed to be scripted throughout and mostly labored for the jokes.


  3. That was phenomenal! They look like mad Ludwig's grotto coincidentally or not near Ludwigshaven, Germany. At or around the time he built that there were some mind boggling things being built underground and through mountains towards the west. We definitely attract our share of characters!
