
I Know That

Work starts at 6AM today until fall.

The crazy SOB who killed the doctor in Kansas was influenced by whore pundits on TV-radio and pulpit mind pricks.

24 Americans were killed in Irak last month and they don't have a clue about leaving certain areas at the end of this month.

Sibel Edmonds one of my hero's has a new blog.

18 smackers for filling a not quite empty 20lb bottle of propane.

$2.60 for unleaded and going up.

That we are in a world of shit and the change we were looking for is not happening.

I have to leave for work-have a good one and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Long day huh? Bet you are still glad to see the summer. I was stupefied to hear some say Tiller deserved it and was a mass murderer along the lines of Hitler. It is a sick friggen world!

  2. Hang in there hon, sounds like you have some long days ahead. You just have to get through one of them at a time, eh? :)

  3. Sounds like you are having a difficult morning. Take every moment for what it's worth. We can't change yesterday and we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.
