
Kick Back For The Next 18 Months

The war mouths of Afghannystan have been quite of late until today when we get this bull shit.

Steps taken over the next 18 months will ultimately decide whether the war in Afghanistan is being won.

But you see kiddies there's more to it when you're dealing with perpetual war whores like we have here.

Does not mean the Afghan campaign would achieve success in that time, but rather that officials hoped to "see a shift in the momentum".

Stick that shift clear up your ass you sonsofbitches. And for the last bit of nausea.

"It's very important for us to be able to show the American people that we are moving forward ... to show some shift in momentum," Gates said. "This is a long-term commitment, but I believe the American people will be willing to sustain this endeavor if they believe this is not just a stalemate."

I knew this was coming but it's still so hard to swallow and nobody hardly says boo. Whore Gates believes me and my buds are "willing to sustain this endeavor" for the "long term".

Well you're fucking wrong asshole but since America loves war and death as long as it's not here and they don't have to die or fight themselves I will not grin and bear it without doing my best to make the change we need and get us the hell out out of these shit holes.

It may not be much but it's something anyway.


  1. you know part of me wants to believe the president is dong all he can to shut this both wars down and but I'm having frequent doubts. The guy's plate is overflowing and I hope he is back burnering some things for political reasons. We'll just have to wait and see.

  2. ONE FLY,
    I'll be dropping my opinion on some congresscritters too. The ignorant assholes.

  3. Not just a stalemate?!?! Just what the fuck does Gates think it is if it's not a stalemate!?!?

    We're never gonna win there! All the asshole has to do is ask the Russians how much "fun" they had while they were there!

    The Taliban has way too many places to hide, and a multi-billion dollar drug trade fueling THEIR war effort. How the fuck does Gates plan on competing with that?!?!
